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    I’m not saying you can have the same success without some ingenuity, but I’m confident I have some invaluable advice to share. Advice I wish I could have given a younger me. And I’m giving it value by attaching a small price - or get free email tips above ...

Make PTC Sites Profitable !

MyPTCSite is a guide, resource- and community  site for PTC site admins and people who are about to start up their own Paid To Click site.  Here you learn about running a site and how to make it profitable. Really profitable!

We do not only provide you with the basics here.. we reveal advanced marketing methods on how to use your PTC site to make money from other websites and create multiple sources of income. Your PTC site will be your main tool.

This knowledge makes the difference between success and failure.
This also makes the difference between earning $100 per month or $10,000 per month!
Our test site generated between $8,000-$10,000 every month ...after expenses. 
You also learn about scripts and how to catch cheaters and hackers.

On the forum you can get in touch with other PTC admins to get help and advise. Our staff is available to help out as well.

For coders and designers there are great opportunites to sell your scripts and designs in our Marketplace. 

To Know More About on How to earn with PTC sites the Most, Click Here.

Adsense for Blogs

If you're struggling desperately to make money online while your boss isn't watching, this will solve your 5 biggest problems...

Discover The Magic Formula To Create “Auto-Pilot”
Niche Websites Using Wordpress & Make Your First
Adsense Dollar in The Next 7 Days - Guaranteed!

Blogging expert reveals how to create beautiful niche websites, add high quality content and magically attract thousands of free visitors from Search Engines with very little effort - all with a free software called Wordpress...

Don’t bother reading any further unless you find yourself asking these questions before you sleep at night: 

    1. How do I create Adsense websites easily without any programming
      and designing skills?
    2. Where can I find new content for my websites without having to write everything myself?
    3. How do I get a LOT of traffic to my websites without spending money
      on advertising?
    4. Why is it taking me so long to make a decent income from Google
      Adsense when others seems to do it so easily?
    5. How can I possibly manage everything when I'm just part time? 
To know more about Google Adsense Tips and Tricks, Click Here!

Google Adwords - Maximize your profit!

A friend recently sent me an article that summarized the stories of two boutique chocolate companies using AdWords to increase their sales.  One was quite successful, selling over 30,000 pounds of chocolates through AdWords in a year (my estimate is their revenue was about $900,000, and I know their AdWords cost was $100,000).  The other was not happy, spending $3,000 over 3 months and generating only 5 sales, probably $300 in revenue.

Based both on the article and also my experience launching and managing AdWords campaigns ranging from $20 per month to $10,000+ per month, here are the 5 most important tips to make sure you maximize your Google AdWords Campaign ROI.

1) Dedicate lots of time.  AdWords is not a lightswitch - you can't just turn it on and expect to get satisfactory results.  Many agencies charge a minimum of a few thousand dollars and/or 15% markup on your AdWords spending to manage your campaign.  If you are going to do it yourself, then you just need to dedicate time to make sure you are successful.  A good rule of thumb is for a campaign with 50 similar keywords and 3-4 ads linking to the same landing page, should take about 4-6 hours per week to manage once it is set up.  About 3-5 hours one day to do a deep review and make changes to the keywords, bids, landing pages and ads to optimize the campaign, and about 15 minutes per day another 4 days to just check in and make sure things are ok and not going to hell in a handbasket.  A campaign of this size probably takes a couple days to set up, depending on what tools you have available to do the keyword research, write the ads and build the landing pages.

2) Try lots of keywords.  There are two major benefits to using a lot (100's or 1000's) of keywords on AdWords, at least to start.  First, by trying lots of words you can find opportunities where there is less competition for words, so you will pay less for the clicks.  Second, you are more likely to find words and especially phrases that are more targeted to your business (like "buy Internet marketing software" rather than just "internet marketing") and will be more likely to have a higher conversion rate.

3) Keep your CTR (click through rate) high.  Having a high CTR means that you can be higher up in the ad placement for lower bids, so you get more for your money.  Google only makes money when people click on ads, so they give you a little boost if your ads actually get people to click.  One great way to get a higher CTR is to have very targeted ads for each keyword - so if the keyword phrase is "buy Internet marketing software" use all of those words in the ad text and especially headline.  This is a real pain to set up, especially for a lot of keywords, but I have seen it double your click through rates (or even more) in many cases.

4) Measure everything.  Make sure you measure not only the things Google tells you in the AdWords interface like CTR and CPC, but also conversions* and the cost per conversion, plus ultimately the cost per sale. Measuring the CPA (cost per action) and is critical - and you can decide if the action is a lead or a sale.  You have to know what you are spending for the desired action you are driving people towards.  AdWords is a numerical and mechanical process.  Having good data is essential to success.

5) Optimize on your CPA (cost per action) not CPC (cost per click).  If someone is definitely going to buy my product, then I would probably pay at least $500 for a click.  If there is no chance in the world they will buy my product, I would not pay $0.05 for the click.  Whatever your goal is (generate leads, whitepaper downloads, sales) make sure to focus on the cost of achieving that goal.  Your goals do not align with Google's goals.  Don't get fooled by Google - their goal is to get as many clicks as possible at as high a price as possible.  Your goal is to get as many actions as possible for as low a cost as possible.  These goals are not completely opposite one another, but they are definitely not aligned.  Be careful with using Google's tools, since they are honestly in my opinion designed to get you to get more clicks at a higher price, which might not get you more leads or sales at a lower price.

Are these tips useful?  What other tips do you have based on your experience?

Want More? Get the e-book on Adwords. For more Information, Click Here!

Google Adwords

As many of you know this popular feature of Google, called Google Adwords, here's a short post on it.

You create your ads

You create ads and choose keywords, which are words or phrases related to your business. Get keyword ideas

Your ads appear on Google

When people search on Google using one of your keywords, your ad may appear next to the search results. Now you're advertising to an audience that's already interested in you.

You attract customers

People can simply click your ad to make a purchase or learn more about you. You don't even need a webpage to get started – Google will help you create one for free. It's that easy!

Expand your reach through the content network

With hundreds of thousands of high-quality websites, news pages, and blogs that partner with Google to display AdWords ads, the Google content network can reach users all over the web to help you drive conversions. Choose from text, image, and video formats to communicate your message.

Target the right user in the right context
Using your keywords, Google's contextual targeting technology can automatically match your ads to webpages in our content network that are most relevant to your business. For example, an ad for a digital camera may show up next to an article reviewing the latest digital cameras. If you want greater control, use placement targeting to hand-pick specific sites or sections of sites you want your ads to appear on.

Measure and optimize your results

With the Placement Performance Report, you have visibility into where all your ads appear. Review your ad's performance on a site-by-site basis to see impression, click, cost, and conversion data, and use this data to identify well-performing sites to target more aggressively and low-value placements that require content optimization or exclusion.

Concerned about costs? Don't worry – AdWords puts you in complete control of your spending.

Set your budget

There's no minimum spending requirement – the amount you pay for AdWords is up to you. You can, for instance, set a daily budget of five dollars and a maximum cost of ten cents for each click on your ad.

Avoid guesswork

We provide keyword traffic and cost estimates so you can make informed decisions about choosing keywords and maximizing your budget. (Estimate keyword costs)

Pay only for results
You're charged only if someone clicks your ad, not when your ad is displayed.
Payment options vary by country and currency. Learn more

Want to know more? Click Here

Metacafe - Producer Rewards

Metacafe was the first online service for paying you for sharing videos. Soon, in 2 years, Youtube started the trend. Many of you may be knowing now about these 2 top online-earning websites.
Metacafe's Producer Rewards™ program rewards you for creating and submitting great videos.

How it works

If your video has what it takes to entertain people, we want to license it and pay you for every view. Every time someone watches your video on Metacafe, you earn money. 

How you make money

Metacafe will pay you $5 for every thousand views your video gets on our site. Payment starts after your video reaches 20,000 views and has a rating of 3.00 or higher - which tells us that the viewers like the video. On top of that, the license to Metacafe is a non-exclusive deal - you retain ownership of your video. Metacafe helps build your brand by marketing your content and making you money. 

What's the potential?

With well over 1 million unique users per day watching over 400 million videos every month, Metacafe is perfectly placed to deliver the most receptive audience to the most entertaining content. Whether it's something spontaneous in your home or something you've scripted, if it entertains, it has a place on Metacafe. 

What are the requirements?

For a video to qualify for Producer Rewards, you must own all the rights to the video and the video must meet certain content guidelines. Please see How Do I Qualify For Producer Rewards? for details. 
Get started now!

Upload your video now to Producer Rewards and start earning money.

Hyperlinkcash - Pay Per Click url forwarding service

Another service I found as an alternative to Linkbucks.
With you will make money from every click on link that You posted on Your blogs, forums, websites. The only thing you have to do is generate new links our system and replace your old links.


We pay our members 70% revenue share.
Automatic link generator.
Current rate : 1800 hits = $1
900 clicks from United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, Italy = $1
Advanced, real time statistics.
We pay for traffic from any country.
Weekly Payouts with just $1 minimum.
We pay you through PayPal
Dedicated affiliate support.

Okay, So why do you think I posted this when there is a better service, called, Linkbucks?
Firstly, HyperLinkCash has only 1 Ad-type, and that is Intermission. In Linkbucks, you need to wait for 15 seconds or you need to click on "Skip This" In order to move to the destination link. However, on HyperlinkCash, you always need to click on "Skip This" In order to move forward. Not tempting enough?
Well, Here's what's interesting. Linkbucks pays 1$ / 2000 clicks per every Intermission AD (from US/UK/Canada). But HyperLinkCash pays $1 / 900 clicks for same ad and same countries!! Now that's really tempting. It can increase your earnings by almost as twice. That's why I posted about HyperLinkCash. So, if you want your intermission ad-type links to get you more revenue, You should go for this.


Also, check out Linkbucks

[+18] Places where you can post HyperLinkCash/Linkbucks links

Adbrite - Put ADs on your website and Earn!

AdBrite is a well established Ad marketplace that offers publishers with a number of ways to monetize their websites. These include CPCs, CPMs, In-Line Ads, Video Ads, Full Page Ads and also an option for advertisers to buy a link on a website for a period of time. Their CPC concept revolves around their Site Directory of Publisher Sites where advertisers can choose to place ads on websites of their choice. Advertisers also have the option to place network Ads which allows the ads to be shown on publisher websites of the selected demographics.

AdBrite is a very good alternative to Adsense. I recommend it to anyone who has “bad experience” with Adsense.

AdBrite, it is program that allows you to sell link ads on your websites. It is very easy to get accepted into AdBrite - simply complete the online application form, submit your site to the directory, place your ad code and away you go. Registration is open for all page ranks groups.

After registering you can submit your sites to the online AdBrite directory. If an advertiser likes your site they might buy a link from you. You can price your own links, but I recommend always selecting the automatic pricing because it's easier. You can also choose the duration of the ads you wish to sell.

The network ads look very similar to Adsense for content units, AdBrite now offer inline ads. The inline ads, which appear under keywords in your text, have a very good click thru rate.

A lot of publishers choose to display network ads only, as me. If you have regular traffic to your site you can make very good money from them.

AdBrite pays big fat commission for every of your referrals earnings (My AdBrite earnings are 80% of my AdBrite referrals). This is also very good way to earn a lot of money only with promoting AdBrite with banner on your sites. AdBrite have big palette of banners and text links code which you can use on your site for promoting AdBrite.

Payments are on PayPal or check on monthly basic - min $5.


AdBrite is good for Sites with good traffic as it encourages advertisers to bid on your site raising your minimum CPC. AdBrite is a very good alternative to Adsense. Since start of 2007 it is now possible to display AdBrite on the same pages as Adsense, as long as the competing ad formats don't look confusingly similar. If you want to earn extra money after being "banned" from Adsense then AdBrite is the program for you.

Adbrite - Tips and Tricks

Adbrite has been the choice of many publishers after they get banned from Google Adsense.

Let us learn more about Adbrite.Adbrite works on the principle of selling the adspace on your website.Adbrite has its site directory where all the publishers submit their sites.When any advertiser is interested to advertise on your website, he will just contact Adbrite team and start advertising.When a visitor clicks on his Ads, you get revenue.

Why to go for Adbrite?

1.Quick account approval:You can open new account within 3-4 minutes.
2.Very low payout of $5:This is the best thing about Adbrite. You will not have to wait to reach $50 or $100 mark.You can choose payout from $5 to $50 in steps of $5.
3.You know how much you will earn per click because it is fixed.

Some disadvantages:

1.You have to wait till the adspace is sold( it may take a month or two).
2.The payment is done after 2-3 months.

If you are interested, why not try it?

Tips to earn more from Adbrite:

1.Don't choose the option "Auto-approve Ads".You will not get more price per click because allowing auto-approval will return you the low paying Ads.

2.Never start on higher side of pricing.Adbrite offers you a choice to choose the option auto-pricing which does give justice to your site.

3.The placement of advertisements does play an important role in selling ads.Always keep a top spot of page for adbrite ads.If you are not willing to place the ads directly above the content, create a slot on sidebar.

4.While describing your site, always think from advertisers point of view.This makes a significant impact while attracting advertisers to your site.

5.Patience: With adbrite, one does require patience, because they take quite a long time to match the advertisers.In worst case,you may have to wait for a month.

Adbrite--Optimisation tips:

1.Better zone placement: means better revenue. Maximize exposure and get more clicks by putting your AdBrite zone near the top of your page, or within your site content.The Ad zone placement makes a lot of difference.

2.Your choice of ad format makes a difference. Adbrite offers full range of ad products like BritePic andInVideo might bring in more revenue.

There are a few sites which are totally built up with pictures.Britepic is better for such sites.
InVideo is a new type of Ad format in which the Video Ad will be displayed at the start of the videos on your website.

3.The look and feel of ads can be adjusted so that they fit your site better.Keep experimenting with the different Ad formats and colours.

4.Choice of Ads is very important aspect when we talk about the interest of visitors in the ad being displayed.Adbrite offers us a choice to choose the ad.All you need to do is just select the ads you want and reject others.While creating the ad-zone, make sure you uncheck the "Auto approve ads" option.
Google adsense and adbrite are perhaps the two most successful and famous advertise publishing network for webmasters (ignoring YPN as it is still in its beta stage).

Adsense being the first and adbrite being the far-far second. Some of us are with adsense because of the obvious reasons – best contextual ads which means better click through rate(CTR) and of course better payout because of high pay per click( usually). Some of us are with adbrite, also for the obvious reasons – banned from adsense, preferring flat rate ads, not accepted by YPN, site of a different language, or just your weird choice.

Of course you might have your own reason to it. Anyway, my point is, if you are ‘stuck’ with adbrite what can you do? If you have already received a taste of adsense it might be difficult for you to be satisfied with anything else. Your click through rates and pay per clicks will look awfully funny but not in a good way.
You will see a drastic plunge in your income and you will feel sad, very sad. I am going to tell you a way through which you might be able to generate as much income from adbrite as from google adsense. I know if all of you follow my advice, it might inflate the rate of pay per click but I am taking that risk.Here is what you can do if you are with adbrite and nobody has bought your ‘flat rate’ ads. Disable the auto-approve of network ads so that you don’t receive any junk site with a $0.05 pay per click.
Now, just create your ad zone with nice description and proper keywords. Now what you are going to need is a little bit of patience. Adbrite will provide you with ads to approve once in a while. Wait…..keep waiting until you receive good offers. And trust me; you will eventually receive a lot of ads with high pay per click.
I am using adbrite on my other site and I usually approve ads with pay per click greater than $0.50 and sometimes reject even those after I receive $0.75 per click or more. I do receive those a lot. Here, you can have control over your pay per click unlike with adsense which I think is adbrite’s strongest point.

Read more... Pays for more Countries from 22/01/2009 !

Another News for Members. Starting 22nd January, will pay for

PT - Portuguese
CH - Switzerland
SE - Sweden
FI - Finland
NO - Norway
DK - Denmark

With the rate $5 per 1000 downloads.
Also, They are going to add AU and NZ countries from February Onwards.
To Know more about, Please Go here.

How to earn with Google adsense earns most of its revenue by allowing other website owners to advertise on their search result pages. All this is managed through a program they call AdWords.
Now you can earn a share of the revenue that Google earns from AdWords by placing these same text ads on your site.  In other words, you're helping Google advertise and they pay you a percentage of what they earn.
This program is called AdSense.

Every website owner should be involved in this.  It's just too good of an opportunity to pass up.  Even if your site is just for information purposes, you can still participate and make decent money with AdSense -- or at least enough to fund your website.

So if you are one of those people that don't like the idea of paying for a site, this is an excellent way to earn your money back and then some.
Even if you earned as little as $10 in a month, it would more than likely cover some or all of the costs for your web site.  Perhaps you are simply looking for ways to add additional revenue to your website, then it's perfect for that situation too.

This program is getting so popular, people are creating websites just to display the ads and profit from Google's AdSense alone.
I don't usually like to use the term "easy money" because there really is no such thing. You still have to create your own website and learn how to bring in traffic in order to make good money with this program.
I certainly don't want to make it sound like you get something for doing absolutely nothing.  There's no such thing.

However, I've got to say that AdSense is probably the closest you'll ever come to fast money on the Internet -- especially if you already have a website that gets a good amount of traffic. 
What's even better...the program is completely free.  You can also use it on multiple websites and there is no limit to the amount you can earn.
If you go to and do a search for almost any keyword phrase, you'll notice some "Sponsored Links" that appear on the right side of the screen that are relevant to the keywords you just searched for.

Website owners pay Google to display these ads and are charged a predetermined amount every time their ad gets clicked by a web surfer. With the AdSense program, you will display these same text ads on your site just like Google and get paid for it as well.  

All you do is copy and paste some provided HTML code into your pages and Voila! the ads will show up. Every time an ad is clicked on your site, you will receive a certain percentage of what Google receives from the advertiser.
Once your account reaches $100, you'll receive a check in the mail.

Is Google Crazy?

I know what you're probably thinking...
"What's the catch here? Why would Google just give away money advertisers are paying them?"
The answer...
Because Google is very smart.
Now that I understand how AdSense works, I can see that it's a win-win situation for everyone involved, and the bottom line benefits Google. Let me explain...
Since the advertiser's ads are now being displayed on more web sites all over the internet (instead of just Google's site), they are getting much more exposure.  More exposure means more clicks and even more traffic for their site over a shorter period of time.

This is good news for Google because the more traffic the advertisers receive, the faster their advertising funds are used up. 
Remember, they get charged every time their site gets a visit; and of course, it is Google's hope that they'll continue to keep funneling more money into their account for more ad exposure.
What an ingenious way for Google to increase the amount of money they earn from advertisers while building loyalty with website owners (like us) who are now getting paid to help them advertise.
Of course, I'd expect nothing less from the most popular search engine on the web. :)

 How Much Can I Earn With AdSense?

Google does not disclose exactly how much you'll earn per ad that is clicked.
The commission you receive per click depends on how much advertisers are paying Google for the particular ad. You will earn a share of that amount.  I've heard of earnings anywhere from 2 cents to $15 per click.
So it is logical to believe that keyword phrases like debt free, employment, make money, mp3, sex, etc. will earn you more per click since these are highly competitive keywords that are searched for quite a bit on the web. 
Advertisers generally pay more for popular terms because they are searched for more.

Even though Google will not reveal how much you are earning for each ad that is clicked from your site, you can still login to your account at any time and see the total amount of revenue you've generated that day, week, month, year, etc.
For example, if you see that you've made $12.60 today from 9 clicks then you can calculate that your average click-thru commission was $1.40 per click.  That's as detailed as their stats will get.  Also remember, that's only an average.  You won't know how much each specific ad brought in.
The amount you'll earn also depends largely on the amount of targeted traffic you receive to your own site, how well the ads match your audience's interests, the placement of the ads on your pages, and of course the amount you receive per click.
Ideally, you should create a site on a topic you know a lot about.  That way you'll have a much easier time creating a generous amount of content on that subject. 

How Google Matches the Ads to Your Site's Content

One of the main reasons this program is so successful is because the ads that are displayed closely match the content of your website.  This increases the chances that someone will click on the ads.

Here's how Google accomplishes the content match...
"...We go beyond simple keyword matching to understand the context and content of web pages. Based on an algorithm that includes such factors as keyword analysis, word frequency, font size, and the overall link structure of the web, we know what a page is about, and can precisely match Google ads to each page."
So let's say you have an information website about yoga.  Once you join AdSense and paste their ad code into your site, Google's technology will determine the topic of the pages by scanning for keyword repeats, page title, etc.
If successful, you will see ads that relate to yoga displayed on your web pages. Of course, the more related the ads are to your site's content, the better the click-through.
Keep in mind, the ads may not be an exact match because it depends on the ads inside Google's database. So instead of seeing yoga ads, you may see more generic ads like exercise, healthy eating, etc.  This is not a bad thing because these are topics your visitors will likely be interested in as well.


Why I Believe AdSense Works So Well


For years, website owners have tried to make money from their sites by putting up banner ads in hopes of visitors clicking them. The problem with banner ads is that the Internet audience is so immune to them, people do not click on them anymore.
When's the last time you clicked a banner ad? 

Second, in order for the web site owner to earn money from that banner ad, usually the web surfer that clicks has to purchase something.  With AdSense, your visitors just have to click the ads. They don't have to purchase a single thing.

Third, most people that use banner ads do not do a good job of matching the ads to the website's content so the click thru percentages are dismal.
With Google's AdSense, not only are you displaying text ads, (which tend to receive a much higher click-thru rate than banner ads), but you are displaying contextual ads that match your website's content....thanks to Google's advanced technology.

Lots of times people think the ads are part of your site's content so they click because the information is relevant to your site.  Whereas with banner ads, they often have little relevance and people tend to ignore them no matter how much they flash and fly across the page.


Creating Your Website for AdSense


Before you even begin your site, make sure you've come up with a topic that you feel you know plenty about.  That way it will be easiest to write a lot of content. 
The more content you have, the better chance you have getting accepted into the program.  Also, the more content, the greater the earning potential.  AdSense is nothing but a numbers game.  If you want to make a lot of money, prepare to write a lot of content.

The Do It Yourself Method

I've actually used both methods for building my site and there are advantages and disadvantages to both.

If you use the DIY method, you will have to go and register a domain name ( and then sign up for a web host and build your pages.  You can either learn HTML or buy some kind of web editor like Microsoft FrontPage to build your pages.  That's the method I used to build this site.
Averaging between $7 and $15 per month, the DIY method is usually the most cost friendly of the two but you are mostly on your own in terms of learning how to create your web pages and adding the AdSense code to your site. 
Web hosts are generally there to house your site.  They don't specialize in helping you market and optimize your site for the search engines to help you get traffic.  So don't expect a lot from them in terms of helping you market your site.

This is not necessarily a bad thing.  I had to learn how to build this site on my own and it wasn't very difficult. 
I bought Microsoft FrontPage and in about a day or two my site was up and running.  So if you don't mind learning, it's definitely doable.   In fact, most people use the DIY method to build their websites.  The 2nd method below is fairly new in comparison.

How to Join AdSense

In late 2008, Google tightened up their acceptance policies. According to an email I received from someone who was trying to join the program, you now must meet the following criteria before you are accepted...
- Your website must be your own top-level domain ( and not That means you can't just sign up with a free blogger or free web hosting account and get approved for AdSense.

- Your domain name must have been registered and active for at least 6 months before you apply

- The registration information that you provide during the AdSense registration must match your domain name registration information

- Your website must contain a substantial amount of original content
Once you meet the above criteria, go to to apply.
When you are accepted, simply copy and paste the provided HTML code into any page that you'd like to show the ads. If you've done a good job of defining the content on your web pages, the ads that show should be relevant to the content of your page...increasing the chances of click-thrus by your visitors.
You can either display the ads vertically along side the page like Google does or in a banner-like formation horizontally across your pages.  The placement is up to you.  You can even customize the colors to match your site's theme.

If Your Site Is Rejected by Google...

If you receive that email from Google stating that your site has not been accepted, the first thing you should remember is that as an AdSense member, you become a partner and are representing Google, Inc.
They have to make sure the websites that display these ads are up to par or they could run the risk of losing advertisers.  Imagine if you were paying Google to display your ad and you found it showing up on a poorly developed, junky website.

Of course, if your site is rejected, it doesn't mean it is poorly developed.  There may be other reasons:

1) Is your site an "About Me" page?   

Google does not usually accept these kind of personal sites because most of them do not have a specific topic or theme.  They are usually just random facts about the website owner or their hobbies, pictures, etc.

It would be difficult for Google's technology to display targeted ads on these kinds of pages because the topics vary from subject to subject.
They are looking for "themed" sites that contain a generous amount of information on a specific topic.  It could be anything from sewing tips to sports.  Just make sure there is an obvious theme with adequate information.

2) Is your site organized?  

Be sure your site has a neat and clean navigation that's easy to follow.  Also ensure all the links work and that there are no typos.  Keep the colors to a minimum and make sure each page has a consistent layout.

3) How many pages are on your site?  

Even though Google doesn't specify a page number requirement, many believe they are looking for web sites with a certain amount of content.  Again, it's not likely a two-page site will get accepted.  Try to strive for at least 15 pages.

4) Is your content solid?  

Don't just submit a website with a bunch of links to other sites.  Be sure you have a themed/niche site with enough original content of your own.

5) Is your site an exact carbon copy of someone else's?  

Some believe Google can find out if your site is original or not. Don't risk it and steal from someone else.  It will come back to haunt you.
If you're stuck, write a few articles of your own and then go to sites like and sprinkle a few of their articles around your site to beef it up.

6) Be sure to read their program policy and procedures carefully and make sure your site hasn't violated any of the terms.

Tips on Succeeding With AdSense

Here are some tips for achieving success with AdSense.

1.  Create a website with your (  Don't try to use a free web host because your site will likely have banners and pop-ups and get rejected because it looks unprofessional. Not to mention, a free web host will give you a website address like this:
instead of...
Thanks to the policies implemented in late 2008, AdSense no longer accepts sites created on free domains anyway. So may as well register your own domain.

2. If you don't know web programming or have no desire to learn it, get a beginner's design editor like Dreamweaver (what I use) or CoffeeCup.  You can publish your content directly to the web from the software.
Keep in mind you can't use the software alone.  You must have a web host that will allow you to publish your site to the Internet. (More on web hosting in a sec.)

3.  If the main goal of your site is to make money with AdSense, be sure to choose a topic that you know a lot about so you can write lots and lots of content.

4.  Get traffic. Once your site is up and running you'll need to learn how to get your site listed in the major search engines.  
Getting into Google is completely free and can bring in hundreds or even thousands of visitors per day.  All you have to do is submit your site to them and wait patiently while Google ads it to the index.  It can take a few months.  Patience is key with Google.  Then do the same with Yahoo, MSN, etc.

And while you're waiting it's important you build up as much unique content around your theme as possible. Google loves large sites with useful content centered around a specific theme. 
Don't create a hodgepodge site with topics on everything under the sun. Stay focused and make sure your site has an obvious theme.

5. Partner up with other related sites and participate in link swaps.  This means that you place a link to another person's site on your own site and they do the same for you in return.  This is a great way to get even more free traffic.

Usercash - Share Links and Earn!

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YouTube Traffic Secrets - How to Increase Your YouTube Traffic Through the Power of Your Blogs!

Aside from YouTube, blogs are the most viewed marketing mediums on the web. Blogs are useful for marketing everything when you use a little bit of imagination, but those blogs that allow for embedding of video are especially useful when it comes to increasing YouTube traffic.

Sites like Blogger and PNN are free to use and offer the ability to embed videos from YouTube. People who use those sites often browse through others' blogs as well and when they find an interesting video, they often embed it into their own blogs. PNN is a fairly new social networking/blog spot, but it is growing rapidly. If you do it right, your videos may receive dozens of views in just a day or two and if you continuously update your content, you will soon be rewarded with increased YouTube traffic.

Keep in mind that a blog is not very interesting if all it contains are embedded videos without any other content to go with it. A blog that contains only embedded video is akin to slapping an ad on a page and calling it a post. Take the time to write about the niche and summarize the content of the videos you are promoting. Visit other blogs that relate to your own content and leave honest comments to posts. If you are courteous and able to offer real feedback, other bloggers are more likely to leave your comments on their blogs.

Blogging is by no means the only way to increase YouTube traffic but it is of too much value to ignore. Signing up on free blogs is easy and there are no reasons for not utilizing them in YouTube and other marketing campaigns.

Check Out: Youtube Marketing

                 How to earn with Youtube!


Youtube and Marketing

Marketing through YouTube is a popular and advantageous way to sell products and services or
to attract new visitors to your website. However, it
is absolutely vital that you understand what it takes to create an effective YouTube video marketing endeavor, because there is much more to the process than simply posting a video about your product and hoping for the best. Here are some of the best YouTube video marketing tips and a little bit about what they can do for your marketing endeavor online.

1 - In order for your YouTube marketing campaign to be effective, you need to have strong content that people are going to want to watch. All of your other efforts will be useless if you cannot create interesting, exciting or otherwise relevant content. If your YouTube video does not attract attention, then no one will have any reason to trace it back to your website, business, product or service. The first tip for an effective YouTube marketing strategy is to know what kinds of videos are actually garnering the attention.

2 - In addition to relevancy, you need to make sure that your YouTube video is also brief. The size of the files that are capable of being uploaded through YouTube is limited, so you are going to want to keep your video relatively short. In other words, try to keep your video at around 5 minutes or shorter. Most viewers will not be patient enough to watch a video that is longer than this anyway. If you do have a video that is running longer than five minutes, don't be afraid to break it up into smaller portions, posting each one separately for a more spread out YouTube marketing campaign.

3 - Use humor when you market through YouTube. Humor is, hands down, one of the best ways that you can attract an audience to your videos. Some of the most successful channels and videos on YouTube have accomplished their online fame through humor. Use laughter when getting your message across. Don't force this humor, but rather relax and be yourself and the humor will find its way out if you allow it to.

4 - Mark your content for the best results. All of the content that you create should have your name or logo as well as a URL for the website that you are attempting to market. This way, if your video is shared or posted anyplace else, you will still attract traffic from it. There are numerous software options out there that make customizing your videos a breeze.

These four YouTube video marketing tips will help you develop a strong base  on YouTube, making it easier than ever for you to advertise yourself, your website, your product or your service through one of the most popular social media sites on the Internet.

Check out: How to Earn Money with Youtube!

               Youtube Traffic Secrets!


How to earn Money Online with Youtube !

Here, I found an interesting article on the web on How to earn with Youtube!

So you want to learn how You Tube Videos can help you to earn money online? You Tube has grown in popularity over the last few years, as more Internet Business owners are utilizing the free service to send traffic to their website. However, like any online marketing tool there are some right and wrong ways to getting the most out of your video.

The most fundamental thing you must do is outline what your reasons for uploading a video to You Tube is. While some videos are posted by amateurs looking for laughs, or fifteen minutes of internet fame. Internet Business owners can use this service to earn money online by driving traffic to website, get sales messages to potential buyers, and to marketing product or services. No matter your reasons you want to make sure that your Video is seen by the right target audience.

Once you establish your reasons for uploading a video you want to make sure that your video is seen by the right target audience. What is the most common way a website is seen? The search engines. The powerful search results of Google or Yahoo. While many marketers dispute the fierce competition of SEO. You Tube doesn't have the same competition, however in order to earn money online with video it should be optimized the right way to get the optimal results.

Before you upload a video here are steps to make sure that you get the right target audience.

1.) Keyword Research - In order to earn money online you have a target market that you want to see your videos. Find out what keywords are popular for you market.

2.) Research other You Tubes - You Will notice some incredibly high hits to videos. Why did those videos work. Was it really the quality of the video. Or was the video optimized right. Pay attention to the thumbnail picture, title, keyword tags, and view count of the videos.

3.) The Tags and keywords - It appears in order to get the most out of your video. The tags are the most important keyword reference to optimize your site.

4.) Quality of Tags - Use multiple tags to get the most out of your visitors. When you are setting out to earn money online, there are several methods that your target market will find you. Don't just stick with a couple of tags use as many to have your market finding you.

5.) Your Title - Make sure that your title has more then one keyword. It is known to help people in the search results find you. Use some thought in your title.

6.) Organize your data - As you are finding the most relevant keywords keep data. Sort by date added, view count, rating and the power of the keyword. In order to know if your You Tube video is allowing you to earn money online must track your progress. Even if you first video is not perfect and could be better, you can always learn from that first video. Note: Even if your first You Tube Video Bombs don't get rid of it. Just add a new one and learn from your previous mistakes.

You Tube has become one of the biggest website growths on the Internet. It is now in the top five biggest web properties in the world. You Tube has become one of the biggest online marketing tools, allowing Internet Business Owners to earn money online. I am sure you are ready to upload your first dynamic video. Create that stunning new video, just make sure you take the time optimize and get the most out of your keywords.

Check out : Youtube Marketing

                  Youtube Traffic Secrets
                  Get Millions Of Views on Youtube


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